Preparedness Classes

Free Gardening Classes, Taught by Jane Fransen
Friday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 at Jane’s home in Fairview. Please call Jane for directions (435-314-7333 or 801-702-7705).
Jan. 10– Soil Health- understanding soil
and how to improve it.
Jan. 17– Planning the Garden– choosing the sight, intensive methods, spacing, timing, etc.
Jan. 24– Choosing Varieties–the seed catalog party.
What does well in our area, new varieties, heirlooms.
Jan 31– Starting your own plants– easy!
Save money, better quality plants, huge selection.
Feb. 7– Compost– how it works,
how to build piles, bins, using compost.
Feb. 14– Garden tricks and Techniques–
spacing, watering, thinning, trellising, raised beds, mulching, etc.
Feb. 21– Beating Pests and Diseases–
identifying, outsmarting, controlling…
Feb. 28– Saving your own Seeds–
how to begin. Easy, fascinating, and fun!
March 7– Storing and Using what you grow–
curing, storing, sorting, drying, pickling, freezing.