Spring City
Constitution Classes When: Every Thursday night at 7:00 pm. Location: 45 E. 100 North (behind YoCrazy). Please park on or across the street if visitor parking is full.
Preparedness Classes Free Gardening Classes, Taught by Jane Fransen Friday evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 at Jane's home in Fairview. Please call Jane for directions (435-314-7333 or 801-702-7705). Jan. 10-- Soil Health- understanding soiland...
Classes are held live each Tuesday unless otherwise specified. The Manti Community Prep sessions start at 6:30 mountain time with a potluck dinner, at the Manti Assembly Hall just east of Zion's Bank in Manti. Use the back door on the west...
********FUTURE SPRING CITY CITIZEN CORPS SKILLS CLASSES******** Jan. 2 - 7 pm City Council --- New City Hall Jan. 9 - 7 pm Storage Food Tasting All of Us Old City Hall Jan. 16 - 7 pm What Ifs Kyle Christensen Old City Hall Jan. 23...
Prep Squad Meetings THURSDAY NIGHT 6:30 p.m. Zoom link: 754 707 4774orhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/7547074774?pwd=bjVVME5CZ1ZmbklUajl1ZlZZTUh3QT09