Emergency Radio

This page is for all those in Sanpete County who are interested in emergency communications via radio, including Amateur Radio (HAM) operators, community and church organizations, emergency preparedness coordinators, and others.

We encourage you to submit details about local radio nets, meetups, and events. If you have information for this page, please send it to info@sanpeteready.org.

Online Amateur Radio Training

If you want to find a class to introduce you to ham radio, go to Youtube and type in “Ham Radio Class” appended by the level of license you wish to get, such as “Technician Class” (the entry level license).   Be advised that there are several Sub-Elements you will have to watch to understand all the things that will be on the test.

Here is the link to study for the ham test.  There are practice tests.  The idea is to take the practice test until you can pass between 70 and 80 percent before taking the actual exam.  The three levels of license are Technician, General, and Amateur Extra, each with increasing levels of difficulty.


Here is the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) website.


The ARRL is the central website for hams throughout the United States.  There’s a lot on this website, most of which won’t concern you at this point.  To find a class to get your license –
1.  Select “Licensing, Education & Training”
2.  Under “Getting Licensed” select “Find an Amateur Radio License Exam Session”
3.  Select “Getting Your Technician License”
Scroll down a bit and select one of the options under Resources.

A “Web SDR” is a software defined radio, basically a fully operational radio (receive only, no transmit) with all the ham bands there are, plus all the commercial AM & FM radio stations.  The signals are received on an antenna complex on Ensign Peak just north of Salt Lake City and broadcast on the internet.  If you’re curious and want to get used to the ham bands, frequencies, and stations, or just listen in to ham traffic on any ham band or commercial radio station, here is the website – https://www.sdrutah.org

Local Weekly Radio Nets

  • The Mount Pleasant GMRS net meets Wednesday at 6:00 PM on channel 2 (462.5875).
  • The Spring City net is held on Thursday at  6:30 PM on the 146.88 MHz repeater with -600 hz. offset and a tone of 107.2 hz.
  • The Skyline net is held Sundays at 8:00 PM on the Skyline Sinbad  system- 146.72 with a -600 hz offset and a tone of 100.00 hz

Organizations with Active Radio Groups