NEW! Group Orders

By popular demand, we have added a new section to the website for group preparedness-related orders. We know that individuals and organizations in various Sanpete County cities are doing group orders, and that’s a great thing in these days of rising prices and shipping delays.

To see the current group orders available, check out the Group Buys section of this website.

If you are doing a preparedness-related group buy and would like it publicized for free on this site, please send details to

Be sure to include your contact information and specify the beginning and end dates for publication.

(Note that we reserve the right to reject any submission that we feel is inappropriate for any reason.)


Neither this website nor Sanpete Ready accepts any responsibility for misinformation, delays, mis-shipments, losses, or injuries related to group buys published on this site. Be sure to do your homework and make sure you trust the person or group doing the order.

If you have reason to believe that a group order is fraudulent, misrepresented, or inappropriate for this site, please contact us at