2022 Planting Calendar for Sanpete County

From Linda Mount

Once again Linda has graciously put together a calendar of favorable planting dates and what crops to plant when. Recommendations are based on average frost dates for Utah County, and may need to be adjusted based on weather conditions.

Click here to download the planting calendar in PDF format.

Linda has also included biodynamic schedules for those interested. Again, these dates and times may need to be adjusted according to the weather.

With world conditions as they are, it is more important than ever for people to be prepared and know how to raise their own food. If you haven’t had a garden before, now is the time to start!

Some people say you can’t grow a decent garden in Sanpete County. But in reality you can, and there are plenty of experienced gardeners available to show you how to have an abundant harvest. Check out the other articles on this site, and get involved in the Sanpete Ready group to learn more!